“Disarmament Insight,”:http://www.disarmamentinsight.blogspot.com/ an outstanding new blog from UNIDIR and the Geneva Forum, has a “great post”:http://disarmamentinsight.blogspot.com/2007/05/cluster-munitions-do-not-adjust-your.html up which contains a pretty disturbing “video”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_jsyObTG8k about the impact of unexploded cluster munitions in southern Lebanon.
According to author John Borrie, the video, which was shown at the “February Oslo Conference,”:http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2007_04/ClusterTreaty.asp
bq. cut through acres of the usual conference room baloney of diplomats and politicians who have in many cases never even seen an unexploded submunition with their own eyes. It helped to give those present some clarity of purpose, which other multilateral meetings closed to the real world sometimes can lack.
Just FYI, Stephen Goose of HRW and Norwegian Ambassador Roald Naess discussed the cluster munitions issue during “an ACA event this past February.”:http://www.armscontrol.org/events/20070209_transcript_cluster.asp
Also check out “this piece”:http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2006_10/Cluster.asp from Wade about Israel’s use of cluster munitions in Lebanon.