Author Archives: kerr

Because They Bear Repeating…

I’m moving up “this”: post and “this”: post, in case anyone cares about why this blog went offline for a bit. I think false charges need to be responded to, so I wanna make these a touch more prominent. If you don’t care, please read Josh’s stuff because it’s more interesting.

I am not speaking for anyone or anything except myself.

Unrelatedly, here is, I believe, the shortest music video ever:

Their drummer once told me a pretty funny story about the police searching their van in NC.


Elevated from comments:

“[Rubin wrote something about me a]nd named zero factual errors [in anything I have written]. FAIL.”

*Later Update:*

No one from Brutal Truth had anything to do with this blog post or, to my knowledge, any USFG products.

“A Second Blog”

Man, Elaine Grossman is mean.

I’m glad her recent “GSN piece”: about North Korea linked to “this post”: by Josh, but she didn’t have to refer to this site, humble though it may be, as “a second blog.” Just saying.

Some seem to think that the name of this blog might not be family friendly, but I think they have dirty minds.

This post does not reflect the views of any part of any government.

Josh adds: The possibility, however slight, that this post reflects the views of the Dept. of Parks and Recreation in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, should not be overlooked.

I was certainly flattered by the high-profile attention. So much so that I started hearing this song, playing in my head.

M Rubin, CRS, and This Blog

So it’s come to this.

I have never made a secret of the fact that I work for CRS and have this blog. I never talk about CRS on here because CRS has nothing to do with this blog. I mean nothing. At. All.

But Michael Rubin has now “made an issue”: of my day job. In fact , he impugns my integrity and implies that I should be fired. I think that’s kind of uncool. In any case, I now feel compelled to say a few things.

He says:

bq. Back to Paul Kerr, this should set the record straight. I am surprised that Congressional Research Service analysts not only blog, but also engage in hackery which appears motivated by either partisanship or a desire to advocate policy rather than analyze. From now on, I certainly would take with a grain of salt CRS reports on non-proliferation if they are authored by Kerr and would question why CRS hires bloggers. Granted, the blog is not on a CRS website (although Kerr’s interjections into other blogs suggests he spends much CRS time involved with blogs) but the many partisan links provide a window into the confluence of Kerr’s analysis and politics and should concern any staff member who expects the Congressional Research Service to uphold its reputation for straightforward analysis. CRS should not stand to legitimize analysis formed more by blogger groupthink than by careful reading and fact.

Rubin can read my stuff however he wants. I would welcome feedback from him. But let me be clear about a few things: I am not motivated by partisanship or politics. The work I do is good; if there are ever any inaccuracies I would be happy to correct them, but you won’t find many of those. I do work for both Republicans and Democrats alike and they all seem pretty happy with the results. If they weren’t, I would definitely hear about it.

A few other things:

* On this blog, I do not take policy positions on anything in my portfolio. In fact, I was careful not to do so in my post about Rubin’s oped.

* Despite what Rubin implies, I do not blog or comment on blogs at work. I do read some blogs at work as part of my job.

* The links on this site are not to partisan websites. There’s a reason for that.

* CRS hired me, as far as I know, because I worked for ACA for 5 years and CSIS for 2 years. I also had a blog, which, I guess, means they hired a blogger. But that’s not the part of my cv they focused on, I’m pretty sure.

* Neither Josh nor I write anything about Congress or politics. There’s a reason for that.

I actually agree with Rubin when he says “CRS should not stand to legitimize analysis formed more by blogger groupthink than by careful reading and fact.” If any of my analysis is ever informed by anything other than “careful reading and fact,” I imagine I will be looking for a new line of work.

Have a nice Friday.

*Update:* Michael and I exchanged friendly emails on this subject. I got no hard feelings.

M Rubin on Iran

Michael Rubin “takes issue today”: with “this post”:

I took issue with the idea he expressed in this “oped”:, which can be summarized by these sentences:

bq. Iran’s responsiveness to diplomacy is a mirage. After two years of talks following exposure of its Natanz facility, Tehran finally acquiesced to a temporary enrichment suspension, a move which Secretary of State Colin Powell called “a little bit of progress,” and the EU hailed.

The only point I was trying to make is that Iran did compromise during its 2003-2005 negotiations with the E3. I provided some evidence which, I think, is relevant to the above point. Rubin says it’s not relevant, so maybe I’m missing the point of his article. In any case, he doesn’t refute it.

I also disagree that the interview with Rowhani supports his article’s contention. I still think that’s the case.

I will address his comments about my employer and my integrity in another post.

SLVs and ICBMs

This could be a really good post with a lot of depth, but I am busy. However, Josh’s productivity is making me feel guilty enough to post something brief.

First, though, a thank-you to Nathan Hodge who was kind enough to “mention me”: a little while back. As he noted, I took issue with one phrase in his original post: “once you have mastered satellite launch, you’ve pretty much figured out how to build an ICBM.”

I told him that mastering a satellite launch

bq. helps with the “launch” part, but not the “re-enter the atmosphere and destroy the desired target” part.

This is simply because SLVs aren’t designed to do the “blow up a lot of shit” thing that ICBMs tend to be good for. If you can build such things, that is. It’s not easy – a fact that “this piece in Yonhap”: discussed a few weeks ago.

I would also commend “this OTA report.”:

Happy reading. And don’t even think about any unconscious motives behind your interest in missiles…

Josh adds: I’m not sure I’d call it “productivity,” exactly. And speaking for myself, at least, I’m still trying not to think too hard about my “interest in SBX”:

If you believe what’s been written about the “Musudan IRBM”:, then the NKs have a big leg up on the re-entry vehicle problem already.

M Rubin And Iran Hackery

Whatever one thinks about the Iran nuclear situation, “this WSJ piece”: from Michael Rubin is pure hackery.

There are too many errors to bother with, but here are a few fun facts:

First, Tehran did fulfill many, though certainly not all, of its pledges in its 2003 and 2004 agreements with the E3. For example, Iran did cooperate with many aspects of the IAEA’s investigation and signed and implemented an additional protocol to its CSA.

Second, Iran did make several proposals to the E3 in 2005. I know it might be hassle to ferret them out, so “here they are.”: Oh, and there’s “this one”: from 2003 that I think 1 or 2 people may have mentioned before.

Farideh Farhi has “more.”: I’ve read an English translation of the Aftab News interview with Rowhani that Rubin quotes from (I am not at liberty to post it, unfortunately). Dr. Farhi is correct that it doesn’t come close to supporting Rubin’s claim that “Rowhani, Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator at the time, acknowledged his government’s insincerity.”

Rubin is also the primary drafter of “this,”: in case anyone needs a reminder.


I realized that I was not clear about one issue: Iran’s well-known lack of enthusiasm for suspending its enrichment program does not equate to insincerity or an unwillingness to compromise. Whether talks are worth pursuing is a different issue.

Two Random NK Missile Thoughts

A bit overshadowed by the “news of the day”:, but I had two questions about the recent North Korean missile launch that I wanted to get down on, um, paper:

1. I have not read every report that there is to read, but no one seems to say that the second two stages of the missile separated. That is interesting, given that the last two stages of the TD-1 that was tested in 1998 also failed to separate. Is North Korea having the same problem with this missile?

2. On the same day in 2006 that North Korea tested the TD-2, Pyongyang also tested “six other missiles.”: Why just the one this time?

And speaking of “said news”: of the day, it’s worth remembering that North Korea tested its nuclear explosive device about three months after the failed July 2006 missile test. Just saying.


Josh and I are really “good”: at “coordinating.”:

NK Boots IAEA Again

Well. “This don’t look good:”:

bq. The Democratic People´s Republic of Korea (DPRK) has today informed IAEA inspectors in the Yongbyon facility that it is *immediately ceasing all cooperation* with the IAEA. It has requested the removal of *all containment and surveillance equipment, following which, IAEA inspectors will no longer be provided access to the facility.* The inspectors have also been asked to *leave the DPRK at the earliest possible time.*

Adding insult to the injury:

bq. The DPRK also informed the IAEA that it has decided to reactivate all facilities and *go ahead with the reprocessing* of spent fuel.