Canada and Nuclear Cooperation Agreements

In case anyone’s interested, “this”: appears to be Canada’s policy statement regarding nuclear cooperation agreements.

bq. Before Canada will consider nuclear cooperation with any non-nuclear-weapon State, that state must make a legally binding commitment to nuclear non-proliferation by *becoming a party to the NPT or an equivalent international legally binding agreement* and accepting the application of *full-scope safeguards by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)* on all of its current and future nuclear activities.

There are lot of other similarities to U.S. 123 agreements:

bq.. any country wishing to enter into nuclear cooperation with Canada must conclude a legally-binding bilateral Nuclear Cooperation Agreement (NCA) which includes:

* assurances that Canadian nuclear exports will be used *only for peaceful,non-explosive* end-uses;

* Canadian control over any Canadian items subject to the NCA that are re-transferred to a third party;

* Canadian *control over the reprocessing* of any Canadian spent nuclear fuel;

* Canadian control over the storage and *subsequent use of any separated plutonium*;

* Canadian *control over the high enrichment of Canadian uranium and the subsequent storage and use of the highly enriched uranium*;

* implementation of bilateral safeguards in the event that IAEA safeguards are unable to be applied;

* assurances that Canadian nuclear items will be subject to adequate physical protection measures to ensure that they are not stolen or otherwise misused.

The provisions of NCAs apply to items directly or indirectly exported from Canada. *They also apply to non-Canadian equipment or nuclear material used in conjunction with Canadian nuclear items and to equipment manufactured on the basis of technology provided by Canada or through “reverse engineering”* of such technology.

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