Author Archives: kerr

Israeli Intel Report

I recently ran across “this 2004 report from the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee”: about Israeli intelligence while I was going through my files. Titled “Report on the Committee of Enquiry into the Intelligence System in Light of the War in Iraq,” the whole document is pretty interesting and perhaps relevant to some current issues.

The report, obviously, is mostly about Iraq. But some other countries receive mentions.

There’s not much on Iran, but the report does point out that the Israeli intel community “earned significant success” in Iran “by being *among the first intelligence services* to detect its efforts to develop a military nuclear industry already in the mid-Nineties.”

In my opinion, though, the _really_ interesting stuff is about Libya. The report notes that

bq. In recent months, the State of Israel was *surprised to discover that Libya, under Muammar Gaddafi, has been intensively engaged in the development of a military nuclear capability*…

And it goes on to discuss US/UK intel cooperation with Israel:

bq. *The intelligence services of the USA (and of Britain) did not share with their colleagues in Israel in real time their recent and significant exposures of the Libyan nuclear program,* and even *concealed from the State of Israel the steps taken vis-à-vis the Libyan regime* in the apparently successful attempt to bring about the liquidation of its nuclear industry and persuade it not to continue the development of its capabilities in the nuclear sphere.

Lastly, please forgive a bit of repetition, but I quite liked the summary by MK Dr. Yuval Steinitz (the Commission’s Chair) of the Libya issue:

bq. In Libya, where they failed to disclose the overall picture and *woke up one fine morning* to learn from foreign intelligence services of the real scope of that country’s efforts *to obtain nuclear weapons that could threaten Israel’s very existence.*

Happy Monday

Iran and IAEA Document

“This”: may be around elsewhere, but I saw that ACA “posted a letter”: from Iran’s PermRep to the IAEA documenting a February exchange between Iran and the Agency regarding plans for resolving the outstanding issues concerning Iran’s nuclear program.

I’ll have more to say about it later, but this is a pretty rare glimpse into Iranian diplomacy.

Interview with Pakistan’s Chief of Naval Staff

Defense News had a “good interview”: a little while back with Adm. Asif Sandila, Pakistan’s Chief of Naval Staff.

There are several useful items, but this is the paragraph that would likely most interest nuclear geeks:

bq.. Q. Later this decade, you will face an Indian nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed ballistic submarine that threatens the current strategic balance in South Asia. How do you intend to respond?

A. The strategic dimension of India’s naval buildup is a cause of concern not only for us but for the entire Indian Ocean region. I feel nuclearization of the Indian Ocean does not augur well for peace and stability in the region. We are mindful of this development and taking necessary measures to restore the strategic balance.

More on UN NonPro Sanctions

Thinking about “this post,”: I realized that I should have mentioned “UNSCR 1874”: and its predecessor. Although the NK nuclear situation is obviously unresolved, it’s still too soon to make the sort of judgements about UNSCR 1874 that we can reasonably make about UNSCRs 1172 and 1441.

Super-Inspector Videos

“These”: fail as satire because the basic premise is nonsensical. The IAEA does not claim to possess anything like “super-inspectors;” in fact, Agency officials are generally careful to point out the IAEA’s limitations. So, although the vids raise some legitimate points, they’re lampooning something that doesn’t really exist.

I do like the medium as a communications tool, though.

Reuters on Iran Shipping and Sanctions

Reuters has a “report”: about sanctions on Iran’s shipping company IRISL.

Says Reuters:

bq.. …many in the West hold up IRISL as exhibit A for Iran’s ability to evade sanctions because the shipping line regularly reflags its ships and changes their official owners.

An analysis of shipping data sheds new light on that deception.

p. The report claims that

bq. The data shows that in the 48 months before U.S. sanctions began in September 2008, IRISL made 345 changes to its fleet including names, the flags ships sailed under, operators, managers and registered owners. In the 40 months since sanctions began there have been at least 878 changes, including 157 name changes, 94 changes of flag, 122 changes of operator, and 127 changes of registered ownership.

p. In other news, I had no idea that Singapore had a High Court Sheriff. You can discover that and more if you read the rest of the report.


Late to the party on this, I’m sure, but “NUKEMAP”: by Alex Wellerstein is really awesome. It allows one to detonate nuclear weapons of various yields over the locations of your choice. It is truly great.

I chose to detonate a 20 kt bomb over Boston, MA (I figure I can drop a U.S. nuke on my hometown w/o causing a stir). The link is “here”:

There will be little to no blogging while I’m out of town for the next week or so, but you now have this toy with which to play.

P Jenkins Interview

IR Diplomacy has “an interview”: with Peter Jenkins, who was UK Permanent Representative in Vienna from 2001 to 2006.

Without getting into his policy recommendations, he makes an interesting argument:

bq.. IRD: In June 2005, Bruno Pellaud, former IAEA Deputy Director General for Safeguards, said that if Iran had a military program, it would not have accepted the Additional Protocol. Is this a sound analysis?

PJ: Essentially, yes. *Iran would have been taking a big risk in December 2003, when it provisionally applied the Additional Protocol, if it had possessed nuclear material or facilities that it had no intention of declaring to the IAEA,* since the Additional Protocols grants the IAEA intrusive inspection rights.

p. Given that Iran apparently shelved its nuclear weapons program in late 2003 and Tehran agreed in October 2003 to accept the Additional Protocol, it might be more accurate to say that Iran decided to halt the program _because_ Tehran was going to be implementing the AP. But Jenkins makes an interesting point, nevertheless.