Author Archives: kerr

Still More About Indian Uranium Enrichment

Following up on “this post,”: I thought I’d point out that the 1981 State Dept “report”: to which I have “previously referred”: mentions that

bq. [t]hus far, no “Nth” country (including India) has proceeded to the systematic separation of special nuclear materials.

NYRB on ISIS, Parsi, and Iran

Wow. The NYRB has an “article”: (sub.req.) reviewing two pieces about Iran and I know everyone who’s written them. This won’t be repeated, I’m sure. One is this “ISIS report”: and the other is Trita Parsi’s “latest book.”:

Haven’t read the NYRB article yet…I’ll see how Mr. Coll did.

Kissinger on Bangladeshi and Pakistani Nukes

I get the feeling that this was meant in jest, but according to “this”: 1974 memo of a meeting between US and Pakistani officials, Henry Kissinger had the following exchange with then-Prime Minster Zulfikar Ali Bhutto:

bq.. Bhutto:But don’t you come from New Delhi thinking that India is really expansionist?

Kissinger: After seeing India, I am thinking about *supplying nuclear weapons*, not only conventional arms, to *Pakistan and even Bangladesh!*

p. Likewise, I assume the below exchange between Kissinger and then-Paksitani Foreign Minster Aziz Ahmed (described in “this”: 1975 MEMCON) wasn’t serious, but I don’t know enough about the history of the bilateral relationship to be certain:

bq.. Ahmed: We have submitted to you two lists of arms we need.

Kissinger: I hope the *nuclear weapons are on the second list.*

Ahmed: *They are on the third list;* we have the Pershing on the second list.

Kissinger: The Pershing issue is a big fraud. We never had any intention of giving it to Israel in any foreseeable time frame. The people who are pushing all this are the pro-Israelis who want to lock us into commitments to Israel. But you didn’t want it anyway.

Ahmed: No, *only the nuclear weapons.*

Kissinger: *The 1960 models are in surplus now so we should be able to give you some* —but I had better watch what I say since there is no telling what you might report back to Bhutto.

Osirak Foreshadowing: 1981 State Dept Edition

From “the same”: National Security Archives trove, comes “this”: April 1981 State Dept paper about nuclear proliferation.

There’s a lot there, but for now, I’ll highlight this passage about a possible Iraqi nuclear weapons program:

bq. Iraq is a current example of this process. It is an NPT party,
and we have no direct evidence that it intends to develop a nuclear
explosive option. However, the fact that it is acquiring (generally
safeguarded) sensitive technology and equipment in the absence of a nuclear power program, when taken with its petroleum reserves, which cast doubt on the need for nuclear power for development for the foresee- able future, and its radical political orientation, has begun the same kind of regional and international counter reaction that would be expected if its imminent intention to proliferate were established. As could be predicted, the reaction has been strongest from Israel – then state with the greatest political/security concern over an incipient Iraqi explosive capability, and secondarily from ourselves as guarantors of Israeli security. *Long before Iraq is actually capable of a nuclear explosion we may have an Israeli counter action that poses grave regional problems.*

That was quite an observation, given “the events”: which occurred about 2 months after the report.

Yet More on Indian Enrichment

I could keep this up for a while.

Following on “this post,”: I feel compelled to note a snippet from “another document”: from the National Security Archives “trove”: that I mentioned before.

According to the June 1981 INR report,

bq. [India] currently lacks sufficient enriched uranium for a larger weapons program.

That’s consistent with the 1979 document I “wrote about,”: which states that India “produces weapons grade uranium.”

Carry on.

Restricted Data Blog

I mentioned it once before in “this post,”: but Alex Wallerstein’s “Restricted Data blog”: really is the dog’s danglers.

There’s all manner of great stuff, including the “list of documents”: for download.

In the somewhat less-serious category, there are posts such as “this one”: about USFG reminders to safeguard sensitive information. Specifically, it contains

bq. a *series of OPSEC videos* the DOE Nevada Operations Office put together in what looks like the late 1980s or early 1990s, featuring *the hapless character “Arnold OPSEC.”* They are little film clips (non-animated) demonstrating poor, dumb Arnold OPSEC as he accidentally divulges classified information through clumsy practices.

This “video”: of a guy with a mobile phone the size of a cinderblock is particularly silly.

DoD on Iraq WMD: 1992 Edition

A little while back, I was looking through “this”: 1992 DoD report about the 1991 Gulf War and discovered this line on p. 150:

bq. Intelligence estimates varied, but the planning assumption was that Iraq could produce a rudimentary nuclear weapon by the end of 1992, if not sooner.

P5+1 and Zero Enrichment

ACA’s Peter Crail saved me some work with “this post”: illustrating that the P5+1 have, according to their stated policies, been wiling to consider an Iranian enrichment facility for 5+ years now.

As Peter says:

bq. the potential to discuss with Iran the conditions under which it could continue enrichment is not new. In fact, it is built into the proposals that the P5+1 have offered Iran since 2006, spanning the George W. Bush and Barack Obama administrations.

More on India and Enrichment

*Update “here”:*

As a follow-up to “this post,”: I thought I’d post some other related documents from the “National Security Archive.”:

Obviously, this is a subject I’ve been reading about a little.

Two documents concern India’s centrifuge program. According to “this 1982”: assessment, “New Delhi is conducting research into centrifuge enrichment” for nuclear power reactors.

“This”: 1988 assessment says that, according to India, New Delhi had “mastered the enrichment process using an ‘experimental centrifuge’.” The assessment describes the centrifuge as “probably similar to a “Zippe”: centrifuge.”

Interestingly, “this”: 1982 document mentions Indian research on the “Laser Isotope Separation (LIS) method of uranium enrichment,” something I don’t recall hearing about previously. The assessment states that India hadn’t gotten further than “separating sulphur isotopes.”

Shaheen 1A Test Videos

I didn’t include videos in “this post,”: so a few are below.

This gives a stationary view of the missile:

This one has more complete video of the flight:

I don’t quite know what to make of this one: