Not that I have ever played either one, but…
more graph humor and song chart memes
[Via “Graphjam”: ]
Not that I have ever played either one, but…
more graph humor and song chart memes
[Via “Graphjam”: ]
I’m a bit late to the party on this, but Arms Control Today has a “new blog.”: Check it out.
The Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs claims that Russia has used the “Iskander/SS-26”: missile on non-military targets at some point in the last week. “See this press release”:
In addition, there are also reports on the Georgian telly (citing an MIA spokesman) that the Russians used missiles with a range of “approximately 500 km” and that the missiles were “dropped on the [towns of] Gori, Poti and [targeted at?] the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline.”
For the time being, there are pictures “available at the Georgian MIA site”: There is too many for me to link to at the moment. But here is a sample.
I felt _quite reluctant_ linking to this and I am not quite sure what to make of the story. The Iskander’s range is clearly not quite 500 km, so that’s an exaggeration. Moreover, to my yet untrained eye, it seems that the pictures (if you look at the whole collection) may be showing a whole range of systems instead of just one.
*The denial issued by the Russian Armed Forces*, dated Saturday, is “here in Russian”:
*Update:* See ACW for the “_Where’s the Iskander?_ picture challenge”:
You may remember my recent “silly blogging”: about nuclear power plant construction plans in “Belarus”: I just wanted to update with a recent development. As you may or may not know, the Belarusian government sent an invite to three companies — Atomstroyexport, Areva-Siemens and Toshiba-Westinghouse — to submit bids. From the start, Atomstroyexport was into the idea, Areva said they’d think about it, while Toshiba was kinda quiet. Lukashenko was eager to get the Japanese to participate, even saying at one point that they built the world’s safest reactors.
Belarusian news agency Belapan reported on Aug 11 that *Toshiba-Westinghouse* finally replied to the Belarusian government saying that *cooperation wouldn’t be possible without a 123 Agreement with the U.S.* The Belarusian deputy energy minister was quoted as saying that “At the same time, they said that *it would take a few years to conclude such an agreement*.”
A few years? Certainly, peaceful nuclear cooperation doesn’t go well with “_selective engagement_”:… But still, quite a gentle way of saying “*In your dreams, Mister!*”
At this point, it appears likely that the NPP will be a project involving both Atomstroyexport and Areva, though talks with the latter were apparently postponed because Atomic Anne was on vacation. But have no doubt, Lukashenko will build that plant, even if he has to do it with _his own bare hands_…
Sergey Lavrov has a really good essay in _Russia in Global Affairs_. Here is an excerpt…
bq. It is *gratifying* that in the course of the current U.S. presidential campaign *voices are growing louder in favor of preserving and developing the disarmament and arms control process*. Such cooperation *alone* would be enough to *ensure stability* for our bilateral relations, until there is mutual readiness for their substantial modernization in accordance with the requirements of the times.
“The whole thing is worth a read”: And not just because he manages to quote Henry Kissinger, Condi Rice, and the Russian poet “Fyodor Tyutchev”:, as well as invoke de Tocqueville alongside Richard Haass…. all in one article. In any case, I guess he decided not to try to get it into _Foreign Affairs_ after the “fiasco”: with “this article”: last summer.
Finally, he has a good point in this most recent essay about keeping security architecture projects like missile defense deployment and NATO expansion “frozen where they are now” for the time being. But some things, alas, are “frozen no more”:
To complement a recent post by Pavel Podvig on the “massive subsidy to Rosatom”:, here is a quick take on Russia’s nuclear energy development plans (or dreams, whatever) from the Russian Ministry for Economic Development’s draft Concept-2020.
Russia will become a *global player* in the nuclear sector if by 2012–2015 it enhances the total capacity of its nuclear power plants to 28–35 GW and by *2020 – to 50–53 GW*, gradually transits to a new technological platform based on *fast-breeder reactors and closed fuel cycle*, starts *producing small- and medium-capacity reactors* for its remote areas and the world’s developing economies and brings its *nuclear equipment and technologies export to the level of $8bln-14bln by 2020* (calculated in the prices of 2006).
One more priority is to *actively integrate Russia’s nuclear power industry into the world economy (in both fuel and equipment production)* by enhancing the competitiveness of Russian NPPs projects, intensifying uranium prospecting work and developing cooperation with foreign partners in fuel production.
“More here”: The Concept also stresses the importance of the *Angarsk International Uranium Enrichment Center*, repeating the mantra that “a network of such centers would ensure nondiscriminatory access for non-nuclear states to low-enriched fuel for nuclear power plants with all nonproliferation requirements observed.” The full text of the draft Concept-2020 is “available in Russian”:
And here is another report in Russian, this one on the “ecological safety”: at the “Angarsk Electrolytic Chemical Combine”: that I’ve been meaning to link to for some time. Nothing new in it, but there is a useful list of legislation pertaining to the Combine’s impact on the environment. (Call the report a “Bellona-special”:, if you will.)
See “NTI’s news release ^PDF^”: which says that
bq. The international fuel bank proposed by the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) *received a significant boost today with a $10 million commitment from the United Arab Emirates (UAE)*…The UAE joins NTI, the United States government ($50 million) and the government of Norway ($5 million) in making contributions to the IAEA fuel bank, which was announced by NTI and Warren Buffett in September 2006. NTI´s $50 million contribution is contingent on the IAEA receiving an additional $100 million in funding, or an equivalent value of low enriched uranium, to jump-start the reserve and the IAEA taking the necessary actions to approve establishment of the reserve.
Happy Thursday!
*Update:* See “UAE release”: and “IAEA release”: too.
The new issue of _WMD Insights_, now with Michael Moodie at the helm, is out. “Read it here”: Among many other interesting articles, the issue features “a commentary”: by Thérèse Delpech titled “Confused West, Single-Minded Iran.” Summary is below.
*The West is currently engaged with Iran in a diplomatic process that has only one recognizable role: waiting until the U.S. presidential elections in November*. Meanwhile, Tehran sets “red lines,” as though it holds the stronger position.
Iran may well be right: Until a new U.S. administration is in place, Iran has time to deflect pressures, and, for the success of its nuclear program, time is of the essence. *In the West, no one seems to recall that diplomacy is not an alternative to the exercise of power, but an instrument of it, or a useful complement to it*.
Finally, Israel, which has a different sense of urgency, may be preparing a strike on Iran, reportedly condoned by Washington. *In sum, whatever the outcome of the present impasse, Western strategy appears far more confused than Iran’s*.
Tis that time of year again. The IAEA released its “_2007 Annual Report_^[PDF]^”: The accompanying press release is “here”: Also see the “_Nuclear Technology Review 2008_^[PDF]^”: and “_Nuclear Safety Review 2007_^[PDF]^”:
Further, in case you missed it, take a look at the “_Safeguards Report 2007_^[PDF]^”: There are obviously sections on Iran, DPRK, and ROK. Finally, you may also need to know that “a comprehensive safeguards agreement with an additional protocol entered into force for Burundi.”
Almost forgot, “NNSA announced”: yesterday that the U.S. officially matched the “Nuclear Threat Initiative’s pledge ^[PDF]^”: of $50 million for the IAEA fuel bank.
BBC has a neat video of what apparently was “the most advanced [nuclear] bunker in the Warsaw Pact countries.” The bunker was intended for GDR leader Erich Honecker and several hundred of his staff. “Take a look”:
Sorry, no “Dr. Strangelove”: quotes today.