More on the NSG India Exemption

The _WSJ_ has “some action”: on the meeting:

The NSG talks Friday began constructively with delegations split between those that would accept a revised draft of a resolution text, and those that wanted tough language that would permit conditional nuclear exports to India, according to a diplomat familiar with the discussion. *Additional changes Friday morning and afternoon brought more delegations on board, but not all,* the diplomat said.

*In the late afternoon the delegates reconvened in an unusual evening session for what they hoped would be one last push to agree on a new revised resolution text, according to a diplomat with knowledge of the discussion.*

About 8:00 pm *the delegations were still far apart and split into smaller working groups, in the hope of later meeting again in full session for a final decision. During the evening, the U.S. intensified its diplomatic effort in a series of phone calls*, one diplomat said.

At *2:00 am and still without agreement, the meeting adjourned until 11:00 am when delegates returned to approve a resolution.*

Good times…

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