“Cheryl Vos”::http://fas.org/blog/cw/ of FAS, as well as “Daniel Feakes,”:http://cwc2008.org/ have good blogs to keep a eye on if you wanna keep up with the CWC Review Conference, which is taking place this week.
Cheryl “blogged about”:http://fas.org/blog/cw/2008/04/highlights-from-march-issue-of-arms-control-today.html the CWC pieces in the “March issue”:http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008_03/ of _ACT_, so I didn’t have to. Check them out as well. Speaking of which, ACA’s CWC reader is “here.”:http://www.armscontrol.org/pdf/CWC2008_READERWEB.pdf