I have long felt civilian nuclear power needs to be expanded to reduce need for increasinly costly oil etc. I have also come to believe global warming a serious problem. After 9/11 I became concerned about diversion of spent fuel, attacks on the plants themselves and so on. Recently, I have looked into efforts to burn WG Pu using Th as a more efficient mechanism. Fascinating stuff. Nice little blog that helps with my understanding on some of the, increasingly important, proliferation issues.
Oh no!!!!!! You got me. Dagnabit.
Darn, isn’t that the truth of the day…
I check this site regularly 1-6 times a day; I consider it just as essential for understanding arms issues as any newspaper.
Wow, Victor, and I thought I was suffering from major geekage.
I’ve got you all beat. I split my blog time between here and a couple of sites about tax law. Top that!
Uhh, I’m not reading this – I was searching for youtube videos when a bad link brought me here.
I have long felt civilian nuclear power needs to be expanded to reduce need for increasinly costly oil etc. I have also come to believe global warming a serious problem. After 9/11 I became concerned about diversion of spent fuel, attacks on the plants themselves and so on. Recently, I have looked into efforts to burn WG Pu using Th as a more efficient mechanism. Fascinating stuff. Nice little blog that helps with my understanding on some of the, increasingly important, proliferation issues.
But Paul, is there an orders of magnitude difference between reading the blog and writing it? If so which is more geeky?
Not a geek, but I am a certified arms control wonk. Have been for years.
Present and accounted for.
I resemble that.
I have an RSS feed from this site on my google home page…. Feel a little tricked by this post though…
Guilty (yet proud)!
I prefer “wonk,” but yes, checking it several times a day.
I’m so geeky that I frequently forget to read yr blog cuz the dang RSS feed isn’t working.