According to the history of the UK’s thermonuclear weapons program, 5 or 6 10-megaton thermonuclear bombs “on the main center of population in the United Kingdom would bring the organized life of these islands to a standstill.”
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Killing Joke, CND Rally 1980
Organ Thing has the full set (no video).
Napalm Death and CND Symbol
Napalm Death has a shirt with the CND symbol.
IAEA on LEU Bank
Deep Thought on Weapons Testing
Sometimes a state tests a weapon to determine if the weapon will work.
Crude Nuclear Device…A Band
I found this while searching for something else.
OPCW on Halabja Attack
An excerpt from the recent OPCW statement:
The chemical attack on Halabja horrified the world and galvanised the international community in its efforts to permanently prohibit and eliminate chemical weapons.
This culminated in the adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention and its eventual entry into force as a legally binding agreement, now adhered to by 193 States.
Skinny Puppy recorded a track about the attack years ago:
Review of ACW Crass/CND Post
The Hippies Now Wear Black was kind enough to write something about my Arms Control Wonk post on Crass and CND:
Kerr’s thinkpiece is a result of recent conversations with Steve Ignorant and with Penny Rimbaud. “The former seems like a geezer you’d chat with in a pub; the latter comes across as an anti-capitalist Gandalf,” Kerr suggests.
EURATOM and NWS Inspections
This paper which I have previously cited has a section on the implementation of safeguards in EURATOM NWS:
A specific provision in the EURATOM Treaty does foresee the right of the EU’s NWS, France and UK, to possess and manage a non-safeguarded fuel cycle for national defence purposes.
It is to be noted that implementation of the EURATOM safeguards system is done in a non- discriminatory way among all the 27 EU-Member States. Across the whole EU, nuclear materials and the basic technical characteristics of the nuclear facilities are subject to the same in-depth verification schemes in NWS and NNWS. In line with the number and complexity of the nuclear installations in the two NWS of the EU, about 60 % of the total EURATOM inspection effort was spent in the NWS in 2010.
Comment RE: William Foster
I received a great comment on “New State Department Documents on NPT:”
These docs are amazing! My husband attended this signing because his is William C Foster’s grandson. He was the only child in the room. Our family is processing lots of WCF’s papers and pictures, and making them available. We’ll definitely link to this amazing doc. Thank you!