I love hearing people from outside the arms control community telling me what that community thinks. I often learn that the community thinks the opposite of what it thinks.
Or something like that.
I love hearing people from outside the arms control community telling me what that community thinks. I often learn that the community thinks the opposite of what it thinks.
Or something like that.
I hope a lot of transition recommendations point out that the Cold War is over and that non-state actors are important. Those observations should be followed by “out of the box” thinking which rehashes existing nonproliferation ideas.
That would be great.
*Update:* A FoKerr reminds me that WMD terrorism is a threat. Someone should mention that as well, because no one’s ever thought of it.
Reading “this post”:http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/2095/have-a-sense-of-humor inspired me to break out “this”:http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1056981/a/Attack+Of+The+Killer+B’S.htm Anthrax album. In reference to the tune “Dallabnikufesin,” the liner notes say
bq. If anyone is offended by this song, they’re an idiot.
We need some this morning:
Oh, man…found on teh Google…
There is a “band”:http://www.hansblixband.com called Hans Blix. That would be great enough, but their “music”:http://www.hansblixband.com/live/ is also really good.
And I _really_ want a T shirt.
What one “finds”:http://americanpowerblog.blogspot.com/ when one follows links…
bq. I am a pro-victory Associate Professor of Political Science teaching in Southern California. I love my country, and I fully support current U.S. military operations around the world. *I despise the hard-left radical agenda and discourse. I also abhor irrationalism in argumentation.*
Those last two sentences speak for themselves…
“Sadly, No!”:http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/11910.html has some, complete with Jonah Goldberg mockery. Brush up.
This excerpt should entice you:
bq. And finally Jonah deploys, with a striking flourish, the solipsistic slam dunk — “for all I know” — which shrewdly allows Jonah to admit pulling something out of his ass while still claiming to have some basis for the statement. Another use of the solipsistic slam dunk: “For all I know, Jonah hasn’t seen his own penis without using a mirror for seven years.”
*Update:* I “posted”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/1464/how-blogging-works a while back about how blogging works.
Another post from ACA’s Peter Crail:
This isn’t really nonproliferation related…unless what the plaintiffs “allege”:http://cosmiclog.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/06/24/1165649.aspx is actually possible, in which case CERN could be said to be developing a weapon of mass destruction.
The federal government today struck back in force against a lawsuit that has raised an alarm over the world’s biggest particle collider. In 40 documents comprising hundreds of pages, attorneys and government officials contended that “scientifically, there is no basis for any conceivable threat” from black holes or the other theoretical horrors posed in the suit.
The civil suit, filed in Hawaii’s U.S. District Court in March, contends that Europe’s Large Hadron Collider might destroy the earth by creating microscopic black holes or other exotic phenomena. The plaintiffs in the case – Spanish science writer Luis Sancho and Walter Wagner, a retired nuclear physicist who lives in Hawaii – want the court to put a hold on collider operations to leave more time for safety reviews.
I wonder…would stopping this be considered a Proliferation Security Initiative “success”:http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2008_07-08/Interdiction.asp?
I think a list of people in the community who have not been associated with ACA, Monterey, or CSIS would be pretty short.
bq. Not everyone agrees with Friedman’s vision that innovation is the path to climate and energy salvation. *Just seconds into his speech, he was interrupted by two environmental activists, who stormed the stage shortly after Friedman stepped up to the microphone, tossing two paper plates loaded with shamrock-colored whipped cream at him.*
[“ProJo”:http://www.projo.com/news/content/friedman_speaks_04-23-08_QN9SH59_v17.373f992.html via “HuffPo”:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/04/23/thomas-friedman-gets-a-pi_n_98209.html and “Eschaton.”:http://www.eschatonblog.com/2008_04_20_archive.html#2357868869623561126 ]
The students didn’t pie him for the past column on nonproliferation that I mocked “a while back”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/601/youre-out-of-your-element-tommy. So I feel duty-bound to point it out again. I will reiterate that
bq. People who know about proliferation would not write that “the solution [to proliferation] is so ridiculously obvious there isn’t much to say.”