Author Archives: kerr

Russian Foreign Policy Concept on Nonproliferation

Apparently, if one compares “Putin’s 2000 foreign policy concept”: and “Medvedev’s 2008 foreign policy concept”:, one might notice some peculiar changes. Not sure what they mean (if anything), but check out what seems like a new emphasis on _nonproliferation_. (Note that I founds these in the Russian versions, but posting in Russian seemed silly.)

So, looking at the section titled “Strengthening International Security”…

Putin’s FP Concept has *no “nonproliferation” reference in the first paragraph*…

bq. Russia calls supports for further decrease of the role of the power factor in international relations, along with the simultaneous enhancement of strategic and regional stability. Toward this end, the Russian Federation shall: unswervingly fulfill the commitments its has taken upon itself in compliance with treaties and agreements in the spheres of *limiting and reducing armaments*, and its participation in negotiating working out and concluding new accords consistent both with its national interests and the security interests of other states;

*As compared to Medvedev’s, which does…*

bq. Russia consistently calls for diminished role of the force factor in international relations with simultaneous enhancement of strategic and regional stability. Towards these ends, the Russian Federation: unswervingly fulfils its international obligations under international treaties in the sphere of *nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction, arms control and disarmament*, as well as takes confidence-building measures in military sphere; participates in negotiations to work out and conclude new accords in these fields consistent with its national interests and on the basis of the principles of equality and indivisibility of security;

Further, in Putin’s FP Concept, *the 2nd paragraph is about arms control and the 3rd is on nonproliferation*…

Russia is prepared to consent for a *further reduction of its nuclear potential on the basis of bilateral agreements with the United States of America, and — in a multilateral format – with the participation of other nuclear powers* on condition that strategic stability in the nuclear sphere will not be upset. Russia shall seek preservation and observance of the 1972 Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems – the cornerstone of strategic stability. The implementation of the plans of the United States to create a national missile defense system will inevitably compel the Russian Federation to adopt adequate measures for maintaining its national security at a proper level;

Russia reaffirms its unswerving course toward participating jointly with other states in *averting the proliferation of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and means of their delivery, as well as relevant materials and technologies*. The Russian Federation is an ardent supporter of strengthening and developing relevant international regimes, including the creation of a Global system of control over non-proliferation of missiles and missile technologies. The Russian Federation to firmly adheres to its commitments under the Treaty on a comprehensive ban on nuclear tests, and urges all countries of the world to join it;

While in Medvedev’s FP Concept, *the 2nd paragraph is about nonproliferation and the 3rd is about arms control*…

reaffirms its unfailing policy of developing multilateral foundations of *nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction and means of their delivery*; stands for compliance with the NonProliferation Treaty, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction, as well as the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction; is actively engaged in international endeavors to control traffic of dualuse materials and technologies; promotes the early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty; supports a global missile nonproliferation regime on the basis of a legally binding agreement;

is prepared to *negotiate with all nuclear powers a reduction of strategic offensive weapons* (intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles as well as heavy bombers and warheads they carry) up to a minimum level sufficient to maintain strategic stability;

promotes the prevention of deployment of weapons in outer space and the establishment of a system of collective response to potential missile threats on an equal basis, and opposes unilateral actions in the field of strategic antimissile defense that are destabilizing international situation;

Ok, some of the content changes were predictable, but why the shift of emphasis? Hmm…

ACW Blogging

As Paul noted, I’m blogging over at “ArmsControlWonk”: this week. Posts will be cross-posted here in a bit.

And, just in case you thought otherwise, folks over at Russia’s Atomenergoprom apparently “are into the idea”: that the “nuclear industry should _intensify its educational and information activities in blogosphere_.”



Anya is blogging all this week at “ArmsControlWonk.”:

Highly recommended. I would have blogged something substantive had I not purchased tickets for tonight’s Billy Bragg show.

Hungary’s Spent HEU Removed

Today “NNSA announced”: the removal of Hungary’s spent HEU fuel stockpile. As has been noted in “this post”:, the spent fuel shipment was only a matter of time. Yet, if I am not mistaken, *Hungary still retains some _fresh_ HEU fuel*.

WMD Financing Porn

The FATF put out something of a “primer”: on the subject a little while back for you to sink your teeth into. The case studies look interesting.

Hans Blix Band


Oh, man…found on teh Google…

There is a “band”: called Hans Blix. That would be great enough, but their “music”: is also really good.

And I _really_ want a T shirt.

Rosatom Hearts Photoshop

Remember “this Kalinin NPP picture”: Well, check out an even trippier pic of Kursk NPP. (“Original link”:


US/Iran Pistachio War

In another “food-related conflict,”: Tehran and Washington are “clashing over pistachios:”:

KERMAN PROVINCE, Iran (Reuters) – For some Iranians, it’s a galling thought: the United States may oust Iran as the world’s largest producer of pistachio nuts this year because of one of the worst harvests ever in the Islamic Republic.


The United States has more than doubled production in the last decade to 416 million pounds (about 190,000 tons) in 2007, most of it in California. With a good pistachio year usually followed by a weaker harvest, California’s output is expected to fall to 260-270 million pounds in 2008 but this would still be more than many are forecasting in Iran.

Iran, however, maintains that size doesn’t much matter, at least when it comes to pistachio harvests:

bq. U.S. producers might use water and land more effectively but Iranian farmers say nobody can rival the taste of their pistachios, which are also used in sweets and ice-creams.

At least they’re not fighting if they’re comparing their nuts…

Iran: The Sammitch War

You didn’t see this coming, did you?

“According to “: the BBC,

Cooks in Iran have tried to assemble the world’s largest ostrich sandwich at a food festival in Tehran, as part of a bid to promote healthy eating.

The organisers want to promote Iran’s fledgling ostrich farming business.

About 1,500 cooks used 1,000kg (2,200lbs) of ostrich meat to make the 1,500m (4,920ft) long sandwich.

I eat no bird flesh, but “this video”: makes that sammitch look badass.