Category Archives: Uncategorized

U.S.-Australia 123

I know all 5 people who might read this blog are paying attention to the RevCon, but the WH “recently submitted”: to Congress a 123 agreement with Australia. There’s also an unclassified Nuclear Proliferation Assessment Statement, but I’m not sure where, if anywhere, it lives on teh internets.

State on U.S. Nuclear Strategy

Obviously following up on my “admonition”: to geek out with their beaks out, State is apparently trying to steal business from blogs. But since the bloggers in this field are making so much cash, it won’t really matter.

I am, of course, speaking about the “Understanding U.S. Nuclear Strategy”: site.

There are a couple of apparent quirks that I don’t really understand. For example, neither “this page”: nor “this one”: seem to have links to the entire “Nuclear Posture Review.”: It’s a curious omission, given that the NPR would seem to be a document about both nonproliferation and arms control.

Still, a good resource.


“According to DoD,”: that’s the number of warheads in the US nuclear weapons stockpile.

The stockpile, the “fact sheet”: says, includes

bq. both active and inactive warheads. *Active warheads* include strategic and nonstrategic weapons maintained in an operational, ready-for-use configuration, warheads that must be ready for
possible deployment within a short timeframe, and logistics spares. They have tritium bottles and other Limited Life Components installed. *Inactive warheads are maintained at a depot in a non-operational status,* and have their tritium bottles removed.


State has saved us a bunch of time…..”here”: are all of the official US statements, docs, etc. regarding the new treaty.

NPR – The Whole Thing

The “NPR.”:

The “briefing.”:

The “other briefing”: and “associated slides.”:

The “background briefing”: and “slides”: for said briefing.

And Obama’s “statement.”:

Geek out with your beak out.

Nuclear Proliferation v. Maple Syrup

bq. Anyway, in conclusion, nuclear proliferation is a major threat that has placed all our previously held beliefs about military strategy in doubt, and also, in addition, pancakes and waffles are delicious with maple syrup. I don’t know. As I said, I can’t argue with you on that, so….
