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Hayden on Syria Nuclear Reactor Intel

Former CIA Director Michael Hayden explained in this 2010 interview why the CIA chose to declassify intel concerning the Syrian reactor which Israel attacked in 2007:

You strongly advocated publicly disclosing the role intelligence played in detecting the nuclear reactor in Syria. Why did you advocate this?

It was a very complex political problem. First of all, when we became aware of it, it became very important to keep it secret. Arguably secret, because it had to be dealt with in a way that didn’t create a war in the Middle East. And the more public it became, the more difficult it would be for the Syrians to act responsibly. So no question that it needed to be kept secret.

But after a time, after the facility had been destroyed, there were two lines working—because you had two bad actors here, the Syrians and the North Koreans. With the Syrians, you needed to keep it secret, otherwise they might do something stupid if they were publicly embarrassed. With the North Koreans on the other hand, we were moving in the direction of a new arrangement with regard to things “nuclear,” including proliferation. And so, the fact that we knew the North Koreans had done this very egregious thing, I felt would undercut the confidence in the treaty when, sooner or later, it became more visible, more known, more public. So we had this line with the Syrians where you’ve got to keep it secret, but that was fading over time. Conversely, with the North Koreans, the imperative to make it public was growing over time, as we were getting to a firm agreement. I think the lines crossed about the first of the year—remember it was discovered largely in April [2007] and destroyed in September [2007]. By about December or January [2008], I think that’s when it’s crossed. So we at the Agency became very strong advocates for making it public. But in an intelligence process way, we knew that we had only told a few members of Congress, and the legitimacy for keeping it closely held was eroding as we got further away from the destruction of the facility, and therefore from any likely Syrian reaction. We had an additional impulse to tell Congress.

New Model Army – I Love The World

And if one day the final fire explodes across the whitened sky
I know you’ve said you’d rather die and make it over fast
With courage from your bravest friends, waiting outside for the end
With no bitterness but an innocence that I can’t seem to grasp
I know somehow I will survive – this fury just to stay alive
So drunk with sickness, weak with pain, I can walk the hills one last time
Scarred and smiling, dying slow, I’ll scream to no one left at all
I told you so, I told you so, I told you so . .
Oh God I love the world

A really underrated band called Anacrusis covered this song:

Indian Parliament and Nuclear Power After 123

Last month, IPFM blogged about this March report from India’s Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment, Forests and Climate Change. IPFM rightly focused on the portion of the report concerning delays in India’s PFBR program.

I would recommend their post, but I was struck by this observation about Indian nuclear power post the U.S.-India 123:

3.3 The Committee is also aware of the fact that apart from helping India acquire badly needed natural uranium from other countries, the Indo-US Nuclear Agreement of 2005 has not yet resulted in new commercial projects with foreign assistance. Negotiations with the French and American companies have been going on for over a decade. The Committee feels that at this point of time it would be better for the DAE to adopt a standardised 700 MW heavy-water reactor and use that standardised design for its expansion programme in an aggressive manner.