Category Archives: Bush Jackassery

Big Ups

are in order for a few bloggers. First, Sean-Paul Kelley and the rest of “the Agonist crew.”: Second would be “Stephen Heidt,”: a friend of mine who I wish lived closer to this continent.

Their blogs have been well-worth reading for quite some time. And the fact that they linked to me obviously demonstrates their genius.

I should also point people in the direction of “Michael Roston.”: It would be to everyone’s benefit if he blogged more because he’s a great writer.

Finally check out “this post”: from Jeffrey about the “DSB report”: on the US nuclear arsenal. He correctly points out that one way to deal with the DSB’s concerns about Russia’s nuclear weapons

bq. might be to accept Russian proposals to move to lower force levels, perhaps reducing that Russian ability to destroy the United States or, at the least, making the process take longer than ordering a pizza.

I would point out that one consequence of this administration’s asinine approach to strategic arms control is that we will have no more START I verification procedures after 2009 and no strategic arms control to speak of after 2012 when “SORT”: expires.
