“ISIS”:http://www.isisnucleariran.org/assets/pdf/IAEA_Report_Iran_Feb_2009.pdf and the “Wonk”:http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/2192/iran-and-syria-reports have the latest IAEA reports about Iran and Syria. ISIS also has some “analysis”:http://www.isisnucleariran.org/assets/pdf/IAEA_Report_Analysis.pdf of the Iran report.
Author Archives: kerr
DNI Blair on Iran
Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair testified before the SSCI on 12 February about, among other topics, Iran’s nuclear program. He stated that, in essence, the 2007 NIE is still operative:
bq. The assessment that was in our 2007 National Intelligence Estimate about Iran’s nuclear weapons programs are _generally_ still valid today. Tehran, at a minimum, is keeping open the option to develop deliverable nuclear weapons. The halt in the recent past in _some aspects_ of the program was primarily in response to increasing international scrutiny and pressure. [Emphasis added].
I’m not sure what, if anything, the italicized portions mean, but I thought it’d be useful to highlight them.
More interesting, however, is a statement that Blair made later during the hearing. To me, it may be in tension with the language cited above.
Blair said
bq. Iran is clearly developing all the components of a deliverable nuclear weapons program — fissionable material, nuclear _weaponizing capability_ and the means to deliver it. Whether they take it all the way to nuclear weapons and become a nuclear power I think will depend on — it will depend a great deal on their own internal decisions. [Emphasis added].
Since the “2007 NIE”:http://www.dni.gov/press_releases/20071203_release.pdf stated that “Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program,” the definition of which included “nuclear weapon design and weaponization work,” one can’t be blamed for wondering what Blair was talking about.
North Korea HEU…What About the UF6?
Just to add to Josh’s “post”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/1862/nk-heu-plant, I have been wondering if any better evidence has come to light that North Korea is capable of producing UF6. I haven’t been following North Korea as closely as I used to, but I “once wrote”:http://www.armscontrol.org/act/2005_03/NA_NorthKorea that:
North Korea has indigenous supplies of natural uranium, but *whether it can produce uranium hexafluoride is unclear.* A former State Department official familiar with North Korea’s nuclear programs told Arms Control Today Feb. 22 that, as of October 2002, *there was no evidence that North Korea possessed a facility for producing uranium hexafluoride.* North Korea does have a facility for producing uranium tetrafluoride, a uranium compound that is then converted to uranium hexafluoride, that was frozen under the Agreed Framework, the official said.
However, Gary Samore, who headed nonproliferation efforts for the White House during the Clinton administration, said *North Korea could “probably start making hex [uranium hexafluoride] fairly quickly,” Nuclear Fuel reported in September 2003.*
I wish people would focus on uranium conversion more when they talk about uranium enrichment. Without feedstock, a centrifuge facility can’t enrich a damn thing.
Pakistan MFA on Khan Release
Following up on Josh’s “post”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/1842/khan-walks-back from the other day, I give you the two relevant statements from Pakistan’ Foreign Ministry. The “one from 6 February”:http://www.mofa.gov.pk/Press_Releases/2009/Feb/PR_55_09.htm called AQK a “free man.”
Perhaps responding to some of the, um, somewhat negative reactions to that announcement, the Ministry said “the next day”:http://www.mofa.gov.pk/Press_Releases/2009/Feb/PR_57_09.htm that Islamabad
bq. has dismantled the nuclear black market network and no individual associated with it enjoys any official status nor has access to any strategic facility.
I know how much you all like primary sources…
Iran Thought, Not So Deep
We have all heard that negotiating with Iran about its enrichment program without first securing Iranian suspension of that program would be bad because Tehran could use those negotiations as cover to keep enriching. Since Iran is enriching now, this is not a cost to negotiating without a suspension. The above is also true because, absent such a suspension, the UNSC would maintain its sanctions on Tehran and could impose new ones.
Oh, and Josh blogs a lot, if you haven’t noticed. I doubled his salary.
Model Says No Iranian Nukes
Perhaps a reason to be a little more hopeful…”according to AFP,”:http://www.spacewar.com/2006/090207204944.k14vpd5z.html Bruce Bueno de Mesquita has a “gaming and computer model” which predicts that
bq. By the start of next year, Iran will stabilize its nuclear program at a point where it makes enough weapons-grade fuel to build national pride by showing it can, but not enough to actually produce a bomb…
It also predicts that “the power of [Iranian] president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will quickly fade.”
I remember reading some of Bueno de Mesquita’s stuff when I was in grad school. All I recall is that it was interesting, but dense.
On One’s Mouth Writing Checks One’s Ass Can’t Cash
Generally, I’m not much for metaphors. But “this CSIS report”:http://www.csis.org/media/csis/pubs/080305-murdock-nuclearmission.pdf reminded me of the saying contained in the title of this post, though perhaps “writing checks one’s ass _won’t_ cash” would be a bit more on the mark.
Specifically, I’m talking about the argument that Bush I officials should never have acknowledged the hollowness of veiled U.S. threats before the 1991 Persian Gulf War to use nuclear weapons in response to Iraqi chemical weapons use. The report states:
bq. Whatever the utility of this U.S. nuclear threat…, it was undermined by the memoirs of the senior policymakers involved. President George H.W. Bush and General Brent Scowcroft wrote in their memoirs that they had no intention of using nuclear weapons during that operation. JCS chairman Colin Powell, when asked by Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney about nuclear options, stated: “Let’s not even think about nukes. You know we’re not going to let the genie lose.” It’s hard to make credible threats when you tell the world (including future adversaries) that you were bluffing the last time you made one.
I think the real problem is that the threats weren’t credible, not that people later acknowledged this lack of credibility.
This same attitude toward the truth also reminded me of one of the best exchanges from “Jackie Brown”:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119396/:
Ordell Robbie: Goddamn…You told them all that?
Jackie Brown: Its true, ain’t it?
Ordell Robbie: What the fuck that got to do with anything?
Welcome to Josh Pollack
As you can see in “this post,”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/1833/clocking-in Joshua Pollack has made his debut. His first substantive post is “here”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/1834/caveat-linker, so take a look. I hope he will be blogging here for the foreseeable future, though Anya left some big shoes to fill.
I will just have Josh know that I had at least one post that was not about Iran or music. Maybe even two.
Nuclear Calendar
FCNL’s Nuclear Calendar is a pretty valuable resource that most of you probably know about. If you don’t, check it out “here”:http://www.fcnl.org/NuclearCalendar/ and in the column on the left.
*Update:* Link fixed. Roxxor.
HEU Transparency Program
Matt Bunn’s comments in “this post”:http://www.armscontrolwonk.com/2168/taking-eurodif-to-the-cleaners#comment provide some weedy details on NNSA’s “HEU Transparency Program.”:http://www.ead.anl.gov/project/dsp_topicdetail.cfm?topicid=42