My friend and old colleague Wade Boese has a “new gig,”: according to L Rozen. Congratulations to him.
Author Archives: kerr
Not At All Relevant
But I feel compelled to remind people that “George Tenet and Ron Jeremy were high school classmates.”:
Nuclear Weapons-Themed Radio Show
I have yet to listen to it, but my old debate coach and former fellow WRUV DJ posted “this radio show”: from 1984 that’s all about nuclear weapons.
I am thinking seriously about making this blog mostly about WMD and heavy metal.
about posting documents and going meta every now and again. I figure I’ve earned the right to pontificate a little after all these years.
ACA Pr0n
I did not know about “Arms Control TV”: until just now.
I used to be on TV too. Just saying.
Watch This Space
I’ve got some irons…
Farewell to Josh
His departure has made me quite sad. You all know that he’s got a gift for Teh Blogging, so read him at ACW or wherever else he may end up; personally, I hope he takes an ACW commenter’s suggestion and starts a blog called Complete Pollacks.
I always knew Josh was smart, but I didn’t realize that he’s really fucking funny as well.
Blog Thought
Blogs aid news reporting, but likely will not/ought not supplant traditional news outlets. They have, however, made progress in marginalizing the established punditocracy.
Yes, I am reduced to being meta this morning.
*Josh adds:*
To elaborate on Paul’s comment a bit, there is potential for symbiosis with news reporting in the traditional outlets, however long they’re still with us. A specialized blog like this one can contribute to the accuracy and sophistication of the “coverage”: it also “feeds upon”: Failing that, it’s also good for “cursing”: the “darkness”:
In Paul’s case, of course, it’s just not meta, but “death”: “meta”:
At least we can have some Iranian death metal:
Blog Future
Devising a new one. Suggestions are welcome.
I can’t blog about arms control, so some meta-thinking is, unfortunately, in order. We rarely get meta around here, but that’s what it’s come to.