Author Archives: kerr


My friend and old colleague Wade Boese has a “new gig,”: according to L Rozen. Congratulations to him.

Nuclear Weapons-Themed Radio Show

I have yet to listen to it, but my old debate coach and former fellow WRUV DJ posted “this radio show”: from 1984 that’s all about nuclear weapons.

I am thinking seriously about making this blog mostly about WMD and heavy metal.

Farewell to Josh

His departure has made me quite sad. You all know that he’s got a gift for Teh Blogging, so read him at ACW or wherever else he may end up; personally, I hope he takes an ACW commenter’s suggestion and starts a blog called Complete Pollacks.

I always knew Josh was smart, but I didn’t realize that he’s really fucking funny as well.

Blog Thought

Blogs aid news reporting, but likely will not/ought not supplant traditional news outlets. They have, however, made progress in marginalizing the established punditocracy.

Yes, I am reduced to being meta this morning.

*Josh adds:*

To elaborate on Paul’s comment a bit, there is potential for symbiosis with news reporting in the traditional outlets, however long they’re still with us. A specialized blog like this one can contribute to the accuracy and sophistication of the “coverage”: it also “feeds upon”: Failing that, it’s also good for “cursing”: the “darkness”:

In Paul’s case, of course, it’s just not meta, but “death”: “meta”:

Blog Future

Devising a new one. Suggestions are welcome.


I can’t blog about arms control, so some meta-thinking is, unfortunately, in order. We rarely get meta around here, but that’s what it’s come to.