Author Archives: kerr

Nuclear Proliferation v. Maple Syrup

bq. Anyway, in conclusion, nuclear proliferation is a major threat that has placed all our previously held beliefs about military strategy in doubt, and also, in addition, pancakes and waffles are delicious with maple syrup. I don’t know. As I said, I can’t argue with you on that, so….


Tour D’Iran

Not sure if any pro cyclists (or fans thereof) read this blog (actually, I’m not sure _anyone_ reads this blog), but the International Presidency Tour takes place in Iran this coming May, according to “the UCI”: and “this site.”:

I’m sure more info is contained on the Cycling Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s “site,”: but I can’t read Farsi.

According to the UCI, Iranian riders comprise 5 of the top 10 ranked riders on the “UCI Asia Tour”:, including the # 1 slot.

What This Blog Shall Be

I’m pretty sure it’ll center on posting useful documents and pop culture references to NBC weapons.

Here’s a sample. I know IED’s aren’t NBC, but this song is too good not to post. And the video has nuclear explosions.

For Debate Dorx

Since the debate topic is “Resolved: The United States Federal Government should substantially reduce the size of its nuclear weapons arsenal, and/or substantially reduce and restrict the role and/or missions of its nuclear weapons arsenal,” the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation has put up “some resources”: for debaters.

Get to work.

New Home for Josh

Josh Pollack has a “new column”: over at the Bulletin. I think that’s pretty cool, especially because he’s splitting his salary with me.

Check out his “first effort.”:

Today’s Papers, RIP

Slate “got rid of”: the only thing they had that was worth reading: Today’s Papers. That was the third thing I read every day. Replacing it with a news aggregator is a terrible idea because, well, Slate’s judgment is generally poor; I would rather the staff would just stick to summarizing the 5 major papers.

Attention enterprising bloggers: there’s now a niche to be filled.