Author Archives: kerr

India-Kazakhstan Nuke Coop

Peculiar article in today’s _The Hindu_ that discusses nuclear cooperation prospects “between India and Kazakhstan”: In short, Kazakhstan wants to fill some of India’s “Aussie gap”:

And here is a plug for a slightly dated, but still awesome _Bulletin_ piece (authored by a good friend and former colleague) on “Kazakhstan’s Nuclear Ambitions”:

Mr. Atomic Audit on Nuke Costs and Oversight

Since I am allowed a CNS plug once in a while, here are two absolutely splendid issue briefs that Stephen Schwartz wrote for the Nuclear Threat Initiative. Check out “*The Costs of U.S. Nuclear Weapons*”: and “*Oversight of U.S. Nuclear Weapons*”:

Happy Tuesday!

S-300 to Iran, Yet Again

You’re probably sick of “this topic”: by now and you’ve likely seen this most recent “Russian denial of intent to sell the system to the Iranians”:

Nevertheless, just wanted to note that, according to Interfax, on 6 October, Israeli Foreign Ministry’s Deputy Director General for Russia and CIS Countries Pinhas Avivi confirmed to journalists something that I’ve figured was the case all along.

bq. “*[Israel has] a covert agreement with Russia that it would not sell offensive armaments to Iran and Syria*… [The agreement] stipulates Russia’s avoidance of steps that might change the balance of forces [in the Middle East].”

Avivi also reportedly stated that

bq. “The Israeli and Russian foreign ministries are permanent consultations with representatives of defense agencies. *The sides decide which weaponry can be called defensive and which can be called offensive at the consultations*.”

In addition, Avivi reportedly noted that Israel did not supply _offensive_ arms to Georgia as a quid pro quo for a Russian promise not to supply _offensive_ arms to Iran (or Syria). If one follows this logic, though, it seems that the Russians have went along with the Israeli argument that “UAVs sold to Georgia”: are considered _defensive_, while the S-300s to Iran and Syria are considered _offensive_ by both sides. Weird.

Wade B. on Nonpro Sanctions

Wade Boese has an awesome and really timely article in October’s _Arms Control Today_ that discusses *the evolution of the Bush administration’s use of nonproliferation sanctions*.

Wade (whom I’ve admittedly never met, but whose work I’ve always found quite amazing) writes that during the second Bush term, the *Treasury Dept. has taken the sanctions baton from the State Dept.* He also notes that “over the course of the administration, *sanctions have decreased against Chinese entities and increased against Iranian entities*.” Most importantly, the article features great quotes from Chris Ford (and others) on *John Bolton’s nonpro sanctions obsession*. Anyway, “read the whole thing here”:

What I wonder about, however, is the *lack of discussion in the article of the sanctions trends against Russian entities*. Over 30 sanctions have been levied against Russian companies and private individuals during the past decade and, I would argue, these impositions were “more effective” than the sanctions against Iran or China in the sense that they’ve been more damaging to bilateral relations. Without the discussion of the Russia case, the nonpro sanctions story seems incomplete.

What I am also really curious about is *the reason behind the lack of State Dept. action on the last round of* “*INA sanctions*”: These should have expired by now, but no _Federal Register_ notice has yet been issued. (And while I seemingly “jumped the gun in this post”:, I am not admitting a mistake without an explanation.) Even if State, as Wade writes, has “taken a back seat,” surely this doesn’t mean that they won’t even issue expiration notices?


India Deal – Iran’s Take

Iran has been taking note of both the U.S.-India deal and Western treatment of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons for kind of a while.

Deputy head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Mohammad Saeedi “recently weighed in on the former,”: expressing concern that the deal “has violated ” the NPT.

Saeedi then elaborated a bit:

The method used by several nuclear states to transfer the technology to non-members of the NPT, will create new crises for the international community, he added.

According to the NPT, only signatories to the treaty can make use of the rights mentioned in the treaty, Saeedi noted.

Cooperation in the area of transfer of nuclear technology to the NPT non-members will endanger the treaty, he said, adding that although India is enjoying nuclear weapons it is not a signatory to the NPT treaty.

Happy Sputnik Day

Yes, “today is _that_ day”: And you can make your very own “*Sputnik in a Biscuit Tin*”: to celebrate.

Just How Impenetrable Is It?

Frank Munger “has a neat video”: in which he prods Y-12 officials on just how secure the “new Highly Enriched Uranium Materials Facility”: is. I love how vague they are on the “DBT”: Check it out.

“This bit”: is also a classic.

Asked what he’d say to people who might try to penetrate Y-12’s new high-security storehouse for bomb-grade uranium, Ron Wantland [head of Y-12’s operational security group] responded:

*”Think about a dozen times before you even wake up in the morning . . . Don’t even try it.”*

More Presents to Come at 30th RERTR?

NNSA “announced today”: the completion of conversion to low-enriched uranium of two research reactors, one at UOregon and one at UWashington, as well as the initiation of decommissioning of the ZPPR at Idaho National Lab. I wonder what other surprises (“hopefully something like this?”: are in store for the “international RERTR meeting”: that kicks off Monday in DC. Can’t wait. 🙂