Author Archives: kerr

Hot Iran Track II Action

Laura R also has a post up about Iran track II discussions. Lots of people know about these and I’m not sure how significant they really have been. But the post has a few names and other details that I hadn’t heard before. Take a “look.”:


I haven’t been posting transition pr0n, but I feel compelled to note that, according to “Laura Rozen,”: former ACA staffer Jon Wolfsthal is going to the OVP to work on non-pro issues. That’s pretty cool.

Conference on Armament

Miles and Jeff from ACA tipped me off on “this recent statement”: from Russian Ambassador Loshchinin at the CD.

Arguing that Georgia ought not be an observer at the Conference, he stated

bq. The request of Georgia to be an observer here at the Conference of Disarmament is somewhat surprising. I will not refer to the details of the events of August of 2008, when the regime of Saakashvili launched its aggression against South Ossetia. I will simply remind you that over the last several years Tbilisi has increased its military budget thirty fold, thirty times, which can not be in any way in line with the work of our Conference. *The name of our Conference is the Conference on Disarmament and not on armament.*

AQ Khan’s Site


That’s not a typo in the title. I just found the man’s “personal web site”: via “Die Weltwoche”:

D Poneman

I am amused by the fact that a Beltway Bandit employee found “this post”: while (presumably) searching for transition pr0n or related material about Dan Poneman.

Hot NIAC Action

I just started reading niacINsight – NIAC’s “blog”: about Iran. It has some useful stuff; “take a look.”: