Obviously following up on my “admonition”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/2097/npr-the-whole-thing to geek out with their beaks out, State is apparently trying to steal business from blogs. But since the bloggers in this field are making so much cash, it won’t really matter.
I am, of course, speaking about the “Understanding U.S. Nuclear Strategy”:http://www.america.gov/nuclear_strategy.html site.
There are a couple of apparent quirks that I don’t really understand. For example, neither “this page”:http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2010/April/20100429170423eaifas0.2791712.html nor “this one”:http://www.america.gov/st/texttrans-english/2010/April/20100429170529eaifas0.3473322.html seem to have links to the entire “Nuclear Posture Review.”:http://www.totalwonkerr.net/2097/npr-the-whole-thing It’s a curious omission, given that the NPR would seem to be a document about both nonproliferation and arms control.
Still, a good resource.