AEOI on Heavy Water

AEOI head Mohammad Eslami dropped some numbers related to Iran’s heavy water program:

He said the main reason for the West’s irritation is the huge economic potential that exists in Iran’s heavy water production, adding that the country can fetch thousands of dollars for each gram of by-products obtained from heavy water production.“

Each (metric) ton of methanol produced from heavy water is worth $1.2 million while the price of the methanol produced in petrochemical plants is less than $500 (per ton),” the AEOI chief continued.

Eslami said that Western countries, including the US, have admitted that the heavy water produced in Iran has the highest degree of purity in the world.

He added that Iran can increase its share of the global heavy water market from the current 12.5% if it decides to sell the by-products produced in the sector.

I can’t validate these claims, of course, but I found them interesting.

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