Pakistan Statement First Committee

Here’s an excerpt from Pakistan’s statement to the First Committee:

India’s so-called “No first-use” policy lacks credence. Its Defence Minister himself cast doubt on this, when he held out the threat of pre- emptive nuclear attack last year. India has operationalized its “cold start” doctrine of a surprise attack against Pakistan, deploying several “strike force” brigades close to the border; outlined plans for a naval blockade, and proclaimed the intention of fighting a “limited war” with Pakistan under the “nuclear overhang”.


However, Pakistan cannot remain oblivious to the disturbing security dynamics in our region. Pakistan will take all necessary measures to ensure its security and to maintain full spectrum deterrence.

Peace and stability in South Asia can only be achieved through:

• the resolution of disputes between Pakistan and India, particularly the core issue of Jammu and Kashmir;

• the maintenance of a balance between conventional forces; and

• reciprocal measures for nuclear and missile restraint.

Pakistan’s proposal for a strategic restraint regime in South Asia, based on these inter-locking elements, remains on the table.

The statement also discusses other arms control issues, nuclear disarmament, and nonproliferation. Unsurprisingly, there’s a good deal of material about Pakistan’s relationship with India. 

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